Electronic Banking
Askari I-Net Banking is provided by Askari Bank to its valued customers free of charge. Funds transfer is effective immediately unless you are intimated of a failure or an error. When you enter your Financial PIN, the process is invoked immediately and funds are transferred to the destination account. You must use and maintain only Hardware and Software of sufficient quality and performance capability. Your failure to use such Hardware or Software may result in a higher security risk and cause the communication system not to operate properly or not at all. However, the feature set that needs to be more comprehensive because it is based on text only to detect the phishing of e-banking websites. As the number of features is based on text only, the process needs to include more web page features such as images and frames for identifying e-banking phishing sites to improve accuracy. The Bank of the Cook Islands introduced online banking in 2015, under the leadership of Vaine Nooana-Ario...